- Eastview Middle
- Health
Students are required to complete 1 quarter of Health Education in both 7th and 8th grade. Classes are rotated out of Physical Education for Health. Below are the syllibi for both grade levels.
8th Grade!
Middle School 8th Grade Health Education Syllabus
Room: 35
Health Education is 9 week course in both 7th and 8th grade. The health curriculum is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards, state mandates and was school board approved in April of 2015. Below are the units of study, focus questions and approximate number of weeks spent on the topics in 8th grade. If you have any questions or would like to further discuss the content below, please contact your child’s health education teacher at: darleneguyett@u-46.org
Units of Study:-
Dimensions Of Wellness - 1 week: Has my level of wellness changed in the areas since 7th grade?
Decision Making - 3 days: How do my decisions impact myself and the people around me?
Alcohol and Other Drugs - 1.5 weeks: What are the physical, mental, social and emotional long and short term dangers of using alcohol and drugs?
Relationships/Dating and Violence - 2 Weeks: What are the components of health and unhealthy relationships?
Human Growth and Development - 2 weeks: How do you prevent conception?
Sexually Infectious Diseases - 1.5 weeks: How do you contract an STD and can they be cured or treated?
Grading Policy:
Student grades will be determined by both formative and summative assessments. All assessments are based on a 0-4 point proficiency scale.
0 = No Evidence: There is no evidence of learning either through incorrect information or incomplete/missing work.
1 = Below Basic: Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of concepts, skills and processes taught and needs consistent support. There are gaps in knowledge and unreliable comprehension skills.
2 = Basic: Student is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of concepts, skills and processes taught. Is able to demonstrate basic recall and understanding.
3 = Proficient: Students consistently demonstrates an understanding, application and analysis of concepts, skills and processes taught.
4 = Mastery: Student demonstrates an in-depth understanding of concepts, skills and processes taught and exceeds the required performance. Can apply their knowledge and skills to new or related situations or scenarios.
Suggested Materials:
Writing utensil, highlighter and a folder specifically for this class that will be left in the room.
Make up work Policy: Students who are absent for any reason should make-up all class work missed. It is expected that each student will assume responsibility for knowing what is to be made up and seeing that assignments are completed. Make-up work should be turned in when due. Students absent the day the assignment is due should hand in the work on the day of their return. Grades may be withheld or lowered if work is not turned in at the specified time (S.H. Page 4).
Late work policy: A student’s late work is accepted for partial credit until the day of the exam. Student’s are encouraged to talk to the teacher before the last day of the unit if any work is missing.
Test Corrections/Retakes: For each unit, students will have the opportunity to retake their summative assessment. To qualify for a retake, students will be expected to communicate with their teacher, receive additional instruction of current unit, and complete a retake assessment on their own time.
Health Classroom Rules and Expectations:
No cell phones
No chewing gum
Think before you speak
Speak with an “I” experience
Respect yourself and others
Immature behavior will not tolerated
You are responsible for your actions, words, and work
Must have your student planner in order to leave the classroom
Be responsible, be respectful, and be a good citizen
- Be happy, stay healthy. :)