- Eastview Middle
- Physical Education
- Physical Ed Special Programs/Events
Eastview Physical Education Department is excited to have a former Eastview P.E. teacher, Ms. Grasz, come and teach line dances to all students for 1 week each year right before Winter break! Students spend the week learning the dances, working cooperatively to put their own spin on the dances, and performing for the judges (Fantastic P.E. teachers)! The best 7th grade and 8th grade class will compete in front of the whole school at the holiday assembly!! It is a very fun time that the students really enjoy!
The Physical Education Department of Eastview Middle School is excited to announce an inline skating unit for both 1st and 2nd semester! ! Parents are always invited to visit their son/daughter during any of our units/activities; however, this unit may prove to be one of the most enjoyable times to visit your son or daughter during the school year! During this time, students are encouraged to bring in their mp3 players (no phones allowed) with their favorite APPROPRIATE music that they would like the DJs (awesome P.E. teachers) to play during their class period. The mp3 player must have a playlist titled "skating music" with the songs in it.
The first inline skating unit of 2015-2016 was from 11-16 to 11-20. The second skating unit will be the week of 4/18-4/22. Beginner students have a "Beginner area" set up in the middle of the main gym to begin learning how to skate, and may graduate to the "skating rink" in the gym if/when they feel comfortable enough to do so. All students will wear wrist guards and we also have optional helmets, elbow and knee guards available. This optional equipment must be checked on the student's skating permission slip if you wish them to use it. If this equipment is checked, the student MUST wear it. These slips need to be sent back to school with the student along with the $12 enrollment fee (Cash or check made payable to Eastview Middle School). The permission slips/cash/checks need to be given to the student's P.E. teacher. Permission slips for the second round of skating will be sent home on Monday, March 28th. The deadline for getting the permission slips back to school is Monday, April 11th.
Come join the fun! Any profits made during skating go toward buying new P.E./Fitness Center equipment!! In the past 3 years, we have been able to purchase very nice equipment such as treadmills, ellipticals, spin bikes, weight training machines/supplies, and more! Any student who does not wish to participate in skating will be working out in the fitness center and may be given an alternative assignment such as a research paper on a P.E./health-related topic. The type of assignment will depend of the individual student's P.E. teacher.
We had a special visit in 2011-12 from The Chicago Bears Center, Roberto Garza. He talked with the students during a special assembly about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise, as a part of the Fuel Up To Play 60 Program.