
  • School District U-46 enjoys strong partnerships with our local Chambers of Commerce as the business community plays an important role in the success and achievements of our students.  Whether it’s offering internships to our students, or hosting events for our families, U-46 values our business partners.  

    Many of our local churches and social service agencies partner with U-46 to provide help and resources to families and students in need.  Additionally, many local agencies get involved with our Community Alliance to support Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiatives and provide students with positive social and emotional interventions.

    U-46 works closely with community libraries to connect students with opportunities outside the classroom to study and grow academically.

    The District also fosters strong relationships with area university partners and work hard to provide our students with the tools they need to succeed in higher education.  Additionally, U-46 hosts an Interconnet Forum three times per year to to bring together the 10 university partners that place student teachers and provide staff development in U-46 schools. Members include Illinois State University, Northern Illinois University, Judson University, Aurora University, National Louis University, Roosevelt University, Western Illinois University, University of Illinois/Urbana, Wheaton College, and Elgin Community College. This unique partnership provide opportunities for university and K-12 educators to share, learn, and keep current on national, state, and local initiatives.

    If you are interested in partnering with our district and schools, please contact the Office of School & Community Relations at 847-888-5000 x 4211 or send an e-mail to Karla Jimenez.