Early Learners
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Read to me; listen to me "read" to you.
Point out meaningful letters in my world: J is for Jack, D is for Donut.
Point out the first letter in words and the sound it makes.
Use rhyming words with me.
Reread books I love.
Kindergarten Readiness Benchmark:
Names 40 upper or lower-case letters
Activity Resources:
Children's Books Forever / StoryJumper: Websites where you can read books online.
Books for Laughing Together: NAEYC website with list of books that are great for laughing together! There are also activities for each book.
Informational Resources:
Why Toddlers Love Repetition: Why Your Child Wants to Hear the Same Book Again and Again
Reading Rockets for Parents: Information and ideas for helping young children learn to read
Making Reading Part of Your Preschooler's Everyday Life