School Nurse

  • School Nurse          


    Click here to see a list of Healthy School Snack ideas.

    According to the Illinois State School Code, students may be excluded from school if they do NOT have the following requirements on file by the first day of school.
    Incoming 6th graders
         Required doctor’s physicals (dated after 8/24/17) with up-to-date immunizations (shots); including Tdap vaccine which was a new requirement for the 2012-2013 school year.
              Parents fill out the health history and have a parent’s signature on page two of the physical.
         Dental Exam (completed by a licensed dentist)
    New students entering Illinois schools for the first time and incoming Kindergartners 
         Required doctor’s physicals (dated after 8/24/17) with up to date immunizations (shots). Parents fill out the health history and have a parent’s signature on page two of the physical.
         Dental Exam (completed by a licensed dentist)
         Vision Exam (completed by an Optometrist, ophthalmologist or physician who provides complete eye exams)
    Incoming 2nd graders
         Dental Exam (completed by a licensed dentist)
    All forms are available on the U-46 Health Services website. Please turn into the Lincoln health office as soon as possible.

    Highly Contagious Illnesses

    Please let the office know immediately if your child has any of the below conditions. Click the hyperlinks to learn more about each condition.