Sycamore Trails
Elementary School
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New Sycamore Trails Elementary Principal
Mensaje en español a continuación
New Sycamore Trails Elementary Principal Announcement
Dear Sycamore Trails Parents/Guardians,
We are pleased to announce that Ms. Jaclyn Jones has been selected to take on the principal role at Sycamore Trails Elementary School, effective immediately. With 12 years of experience in education, she is a dedicated and equity-focused leader who brings a wealth of knowledge and commitment to fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments.
As Sycamore Trails’ assistant principal since July 2022, Ms. Jones developed impactful professional development programs for staff, collaborated on budgetary planning, and created efficient school schedules to ensure smooth daily operations. Her commitment to community-building has been evident through the nurturing of strong relationships with students, staff, and families, as well as establishing a platform for parents to contribute their perspectives, creating a sense of equity and inclusion. She led a school-wide equity task force, working to address and raise awareness of equity issues.
Before her role as assistant principal, Ms. Jones served as an instructional coach for English Language Arts (ELA) and technology at Hillside School District 93 from July 2015 to July 2022, as well as a classroom educator and athletic director at Chicago Public School from August 2011 to July 2015. In these roles, she consistently demonstrated leadership through data-driven curriculum development, teacher mentorship, and the coordination of effective professional learning opportunities. Her leadership extends beyond the classroom, having chaired and participated in various committees, including those for curriculum writing and school improvement.
Ms. Jones earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s degree in educational administration, both from National Louis University.
Ms. Jones is committed to continuing to enhance the school’s culture of collaboration, equity, and academic excellence as principal and looks forward to leading the school into its next phase of development.
Please join me in congratulating Ms. Jones on her new role at Sycamore Trails Elementary School.
Dr. Kyle Bunker
Executive Director of Elementary School - Bartlett Network
School District U-46
Anuncio de la Nueva Directora de la Escuela Elemental Sycamore Trails
Estimados padres/tutores legales de Sycamore Trails,
Nos complace anunciar que la Sra. Jaclyn Jones ha sido seleccionada como Directora de la Escuela Elemental Sycamore Trails, inmediatamente. Con 12 años de experiencia en la educación, ella es una líder dedicada y enfocada en la equidad que aporta una riqueza de conocimientos y el compromiso de promover la inclusión y el apoyo a los entornos de aprendizaje.
Como subdirectora de Sycamore Trails desde julio del 2022, la Sra. Jones desarrolló programas de desarrollo profesional de gran impacto para el personal, colaboró en la planificación presupuestaria y creó horarios escolares eficientes para facilitar las operaciones diarias. Su compromiso con la comunidad ha sido evidente a través del desarrollo de relaciones sólidas con los estudiantes, el personal y las familias, así como establecer una plataforma para que los padres contribuyan con sus perspectivas, creando un sentido de equidad e inclusión. Dirigió un grupo de trabajo sobre equidad en toda la escuela, trabajando para abordar y concienciar sobre cuestiones de equidad.
Antes de su puesto como subdirectora, la Sra. Jones fue instructora de Artes del Lenguaje Inglés (ELA) y tecnología en el Distrito Escolar 93 de Hillside desde julio del 2015 hasta julio del 2022, así como maestra y directora de atletismo en la Escuela Pública de Chicago desde agosto del 2011 hasta julio del 2015. En estos cargos, demostró constantemente su liderazgo a través del desarrollo curricular basado en datos, la tutoría de maestros y la coordinación de oportunidades efectivas de aprendizaje profesional. Su liderazgo se extiende más allá de la clase, ya que ha dirigido y participado en varios comités, incluyendo los de redacción del plan de estudios y mejora de la escuela.
La Sra. Jones obtuvo su Bachillerato en Educación Elemental y una maestría en Administración Educativa en la Universidad Nacional Louis.
La Sra. Jones se ha comprometido a seguir mejorando la cultura de colaboración, equidad y excelencia académica de la escuela como directora y espera poder dirigir la escuela en su próxima fase de desarrollo.
Por favor, acompañenme en felicitar a la Sra. Jones en su nuevo puesto en la Escuela Elemental Sycamore Trails.
Dr. Kyle Bunker
Director Ejecutivo de Escuelas Elementales - Red de Bartlett
Distrito Escolar U-46
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In U-46, we believe that Every Minute Matters. Our schools are dedicated to providing an exceptional education for all students, laying a strong foundation for their future success. For this to happen, it's crucial that schools, families, and students work together to ensure consistent attendance. Learn more about the importance of attendance and what you can do to ensure your child is in school and learning by exploring the information and resources on our website.
As we move forward with the Unite U-46 process, it's crucial to keep the entire U-46 community informed and involved in the confirmation of the plan and projects. Stay up-to-date by checking out the Unite U-46: Mapping Our Future page for upcoming community engagement sessions and recordings of past updates.
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Online Backpack shares informational material on community activities and resources available to students and families.
7:20 AM - 7:55 AM Knitting Club
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 6th Grade Band Eastview
7:20 AM - 7:55 AM Knitting Club
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 6th Grade Orchestra Rehearsal
7:20 AM - 7:55 AM Knitting Club
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Dream Day
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 5th Grade Band Rehearsal
February 18, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 5th Grade Orchestra Rehearsal
February 19, 2025
7:20 AM - 7:55 AM Knitting Club
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 6th Grade Band Eastview