

  • Hillcrest is proud of the partnerships we have developed with the community.  We appreciate any and all support the community has provided for the success of our students.  If you are interested in developing a partnership with Hillcrest, please email The Administration Team at  Brian Brennan.

  • Chase Bank
    We have a long-standing relationship with Chase Bank. They provide support with our PBIS incentives, school supplies and they send volunteers for family night events and field days. 

    Kids Hope USA/Christ the Lord Lutheran Church
    Christ the Lord Lutheran Church has been trained through Kids Hope USA to provide mentors to students at our school. The church also provided some community service this fall to help with landscaping, painting and organizing materials.

    Rise Above
    Rise Above is a Mentor Program for boys in the 5th and 6th grades. 

    Hawthorne Hills Nature Center
    Nature Center staff members work with our 4th grade general education class and our 5th grade ELL classroom on the Mighty Acorns project. Students will learn about the environment around them and use the facilities in our backyard. The nature center also holds an after-school program for third and fourth graders. 

    Amita Health/St. Joseph Hospital
    St. Joseph's Hospital organizes shoe and coat drives in partnership with Hillcrest. 

    Salvation Army
    We partner with the Salvation Army through our food and coat drives. 
    Windy City Bulls
    WBC provides an assembly for students to learn about staying healthy.  5th and 6th greders go to a WCB game at the Sears Center
    Hillcrest partners with McDonald's to run McTeacher Night.  This is an excellent school fundraiser.
    Hillcrest partners with Culver's to run a Culver's No Cook Night. This is an excellent school fundraiser. 
    Scholastics Book Fairs
    Hillcrest runs two book fairs during the school year. It provides students an opportunity to purchase a book. 
    Bernie Books
    School wide distribution of leveled books.