HernandezM, Martha
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Degrees and Certifications:
National Board Certified Teacher, Master in Arts of Education, NPBT Certified Teacher 2011, endorsements in ESL, Bilingual, and Middle School, Elementary and High School certified.
Ms. Martha Hernandez
Hola bienvenidos a la página del cuarto grado Dual de la escuela Oakhill, los Fantastic 4th Yo soy la maestra Martha Hernandez, naci en Colombia. He sido maestra por mucho tiempo en diferentes grados y niveles, empece con High school cuando no tenia hijos, luego middle school y finalmente elementary school para poder pasar más tiempo con mis hijos. Tambien he dado clases para adultos y padres por medio de la organizacion YWCA. Ya mis hijos crecieron y ahora tengo dos hermosos nietos. Me encanta ser maestra y compartir con mis estudiantes la aventura de aprender en dos idiomas.
Hello, welcome to the Oakhill School Dual fourth grade page, the Fantastic 4th. My name is Martha Hernandez, I was born in Colombia. I have been a teacher for a long time in different grades and levels, I started with High school when I did not have children, then middle school, and finally elementary school so that I could spend more time with my children. I have also taught classes for adults and parents through the YWCA organization. My children are grown and now I have two beautiful grandchildren. I love being a teacher and sharing the adventure of learning using two languages with my students.