• Academics

    Standards Based Learning and Assessment

    Huff will ensure that each student has access to standards based integrated CORE instruction.  This includes instruction that is differentiated by guided reading and math groups, the gradual release strategy which includes whole, small, individual instruction that uses their needs and strengths by providing student choice.  Huff will use district and teacher created formative assessments to support stude


  •  Wellness

    Social and Wellness Wellness

    Huff’s School Improvement Team will support our effective and engaged staff to reflect upon our current practices to ensure that our values become actions that are consistent and measurable. To ensure that equitable practices are on the forefront of all staff members’ minds, our School Improvement Team will embed opportunities for professional development to strengthen staff knowledge of cultural and linguistic responsive classrooms.  In addition, our School Improvement Team will center around the inquiry of teaching and learning, elevating our students’ culture and language while maintaining high expectations. These practices will promote classroom environments that are inclusive, and provide students with a sense of belonging to celebrate our students’ knowledge and culture which make-up our world.

  • Family

    Family and Community Engagement

    Our school will increase our families’ understanding of what their child/children are expected to learn at school and how they can support their child/children’s learning at home.