Please contact the Attendace Office (847) 888-5151, ext. 5150
before 10:00 am if your student will be absent.
Regular and punctual attendance is key to a student's success at Ellis. When a student is absent from school, the parent or guardian must call the school at (847) 888-5150, as soon as possible. Cooperation in this manner enables the school to report truancies to parents early during the day they occur rather than a day or two later. If a parent does not report the absence by 10:00 a.m. the school will contact the parent at the telephone number given on the emergency card. A signed parent notification of the student's absence may be submitted to the Attendance Office the day a student returns to school if the parent has failed to contact the school or the school is unable to contact the parent.
Be aware of the following:
- If a signed parent notification is not received the following day, the absence may be considered truancy.
- All work missed due to an absence for any reason must be made up.
- Students must take the initiative to contact the teacher for the missed assignments and return the completed work within the limit set by the teacher.
- Assignments for absences of three or more days may be obtained through the attendance office by request of the parents or guardian.
- In the cases when the student knows he/she will be absent from school before the day of absence, he/she should report this information to the attendance office.
- A note from parents also should be submitted at this time.
When it is known ahead of time that a student will be out, it is their responsibility to come to the office for pre-arranged absences.
Any questions regarding attendance policies and procedures please contact Mr. Baird or our Attendance Office.
Por favor de contactar la oficina de asistencia antes de las
10:00 am, si su estudiante no va atender sus clases
(847) 888-5151, ext. 5150