New principal to lead Clinton Elementary School starting with the 2024-25 school year
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New principal to lead Clinton Elementary School starting with the 2024-25 school year
Dear Clinton Elementary School Parents/Guardians,
We are pleased to announce that Ms. Lauren McDonald has been selected to serve as the Principal of Clinton Elementary School, where she is currently the Assistant Principal, starting with the 2024-25 school year. During her 21 years in education, she has often engaged in work that supports the development of strong literacy skills in students. Her career has demonstrated a commitment to the power of social-emotional learning, the importance of families and community in education, and the use of data analysis and application to drive student success.
Before arriving at Clinton, Ms. McDonald was the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Lead at Tefft Middle School from 2019 to 2022. There, she worked with teams to develop social-emotional and academic interventions for students and created culturally responsive training for staff. She also collaborated with community partners to support school initiatives.
Ms. McDonald joined U-46 after serving for eight years as a reading specialist and literacy coach in Bloomingdale School District 13. She worked on reading interventions for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, and also served as the Title 1 coordinator, which included managing Title 1 funding and establishing strong communication channels with parents.
She began her educational career in West Aurora School District 129, where she taught high school literature, oral composition, grammar, and writing classes, as well as remedial reading for freshmen.
Ms. McDonald graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in secondary education. She holds a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Northern Illinois University, a master’s degree in reading and literacy from Benedictine University, and a master’s degree in educational leadership from the American College of Education. She is also a proud product of U-46, having attended elementary school at Eastview and Centennial, Canton Middle School, and Elgin High School.
Please join me in congratulating Ms. McDonald on her new role at Clinton Elementary School.
Mary Sturgill
Executive Director of Elementary School - South Elgin Network
School District U-46
Nuevo directora dirigirá la Escuela Elemental Clinton a partir del año escolar 2024-25
Estimados padres/tutores legales de la Escuela Elemental Clinton,
Nos complace anunciar que la Sra. Lauren McDonald ha sido seleccionada para servir como Directora de la Escuela Elemental Clinton, donde actualmente es Subdirectora, a partir del año escolar 2024-25. Durante sus 21 años en la educación, a lo largo de su carrera se ha dedicado con frecuencia a apoyar el desarrollo de la lectura y la escritura en los estudiantes. Su carrera ha demostrado un compromiso con el poder del aprendizaje socio-emocional, la importancia de las familias y la comunidad en la educación, y el uso de análisis de datos y la aplicación para promover el éxito estudiantil.
Antes de llegar a Clinton, la Sra. McDonald fue Líder de Sistemas Múltiples de Apoyo en la Escuela Intermedia Tefft del 2019 al 2022. Ahí, trabajó con equipos para desarrollar intervenciones socioemocionales y académicas para estudiantes y creó una capacitación culturalmente receptiva para el personal. También trabajó con colaboradores de la comunidad para apoyar iniciativas escolares.
La Sra. McDonald se unió al Distrito U-46 después de trabajar durante ocho años como especialista en lectura y entrenadora de lectura y escritura en el Distrito Escolar 13 de Bloomingdale. Trabajó en intervenciones de lectura para estudiantes de sexto, séptimo y octavo grado, y también se desempeñó como coordinadora del Título 1, que incluía la administración de los fondos del Título 1 y el establecimiento de fuertes canales de comunicación con los padres.
Comenzó su carrera educativa en el Distrito Escolar 129 de West Aurora, donde fue maestra de literatura en la escuela secundaria, composición oral, gramática y clases de escritura, así como de lectura de recuperación para estudiantes de primer año de secundaria.
La Sra. McDonald obtuvo un Bachillerato en Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Iowa. Tiene una maestría en currículo e instrucción de la Universidad de Northern Illinois, una maestría en lectura y escritura de la Universidad Benedictine y una maestría en liderazgo educativo del Colegio Americano de Educación. También es una orgullosa estudiante de U-46, ya que asistió a las Escuelas Elementales Eastview y Centennial, a la Escuela Intermedia Canton y a la Escuela Secundaria Elgin.
Por favor, acompáñenme en felicitar a la Sra. McDonald en su nuevo puesto en la Escuela Elemental Clinton.
Mary Sturgill
Directora Ejecutiva de Escuelas Elementales - Red de South Elgin
Distrito Escolar U-46 -
New Principal Survey, Deadline: Friday, April 26
April 16, 2024
Your Input is Needed: Qualities of our next Clinton Principal
Dear Clinton Elementary Staff and Parents/Guardians,
As you know, Mr. Jonathon Miquelon will not return as the principal of Clinton Elementary School for the 2024-25 school year. During his tenure, Mr. Miquelon has positively impacted the Clinton staff, students, and community, and I do not doubt that you will miss him as your principal. Mr. Miquelon will continue to work to ensure there is a strong end to the 2023-24 school year and that the next principal of Clinton Elementary School is positioned to continue cultivating a strong and positive learning environment.
As we move forward with selecting our next Clinton principal, your feedback is needed as part of the search process. The principal position was posted on April 10, 2024, and we expect to select a new school leader by early June. Please take a moment to complete the following survey by 4 p.m. Friday, April 26. The survey will ask you to provide input on the qualities you would like to see in the next principal, as well as to let me know if you are interested in being considered for participation in the interview process.
- Staff Survey available by clicking here
- Parent Survey available by clicking here
I look forward to partnering with the Clinton community to identify the school's next leader. Please know that I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition with a leader who will meet Clinton Elementary School's strengths and needs.
Mary Sturgill
Executive Director of Elementary Schools - South Elgin Network
School District U-46
Necesitamos su opinión: Cualidades de nuestro próximo Director(a) de Clinton
Estimado personal de la Escuela Elemental Clinton y padres/tutores legales,
Como ustedes saben, el Sr. Jonathon Miquelon no regresará como Director de la Escuela Elemental Clinton para el año escolar 2024-25. Durante su cargo, el Sr. Miquelon ha tenido un impacto positivo en el personal, los estudiantes y la comunidad de Clinton, y no dudo de que lo van a extrañar como su director. El Sr. Miquelon continuará trabajando con el objetivo de concluir el año escolar exitosamente y de que el próximo director(a) de la Escuela Elemental Clinton esté preparado para continuar cultivando un ambiente de aprendizaje fuerte y positivo.
A medida que avanzamos en la selección de nuestro próximo Director(a) de Clinton, necesitamos su opinión como parte del proceso de búsqueda. El puesto de director(a) se publicó el 10 de abril, y esperamos seleccionar un nuevo líder escolar a principios de junio. Por favor, tome un momento para completar la siguiente encuesta antes de las 4 p.m. del viernes, 26 de abril. En la encuesta se le pedirá su opinión sobre las cualidades que le gustaría ver en el próximo director(a), así como su interés y disponibilidad en participar en el proceso de las entrevistas.
Como parte del proceso de búsqueda, nos gustaría conocer su opinión. Tenemos una encuesta en línea para el personal aquí y una encuesta en línea para los padres aquí que pedimos que completen para el lunes, 15 de abril. En la encuesta se le pedirá su opinión sobre las cualidades que le gustaría ver en el próximo director(a), así como su interés y disponibilidad en participar en el proceso de las entrevistas.
- Encuesta para el personal disponible haciendo clic aquí
- Encuesta para padres disponible haciendo clic aquí
Espero colaborar con la comunidad de Clinton para identificar al próximo líder de la escuela. Por favor, sepan que estoy comprometido a que la transición sea fácil con el líder que cumpla con las necesidades y fortalezas de la Escuela Elemental Clinton.
Mary Sturgill
Directora Ejecutiva de Escuelas Elementales - Red de South Elgin
Distrito Escolar U-46 -
Principal Announcement, April 9, 2024
April 9, 2024
An important message from Principal Miquelon
Dear Clinton families,
It is with great excitement and a touch of sadness that I inform you that next school year, I will not be returning as the Clinton Elementary School principal. I have accepted the position as the new principal of South Elgin High School beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
This is an opportunity that I am honored to be considered for, and thrilled to accept.
I began my career as a paraprofessional, building substitute teacher, and student teacher at SEHS in 2005. Going back as the Principal of the building is a homecoming for me. This is particularly special because I get to stay with the community that I have grown to love over the past four years, and I get to see the Cougars that I first met at Clinton in 2020 finish their K-12 experience at SEHS in 2027.
Transitions such as these are bittersweet. I have appreciated and enjoyed my time at Clinton Elementary more than I can express in writing. I will genuinely miss the staff, students, and parents with whom I have spent the past four years building relationships.
I will continue to serve as the principal of Clinton Elementary School through June 2024 and will finish the school year alongside our teams. This will ensure a strong end to the year and support the transition of the next leader for our Clinton community.
Please look for future communication regarding the next steps for identifying the next Clinton Principal. Your input will be greatly appreciated and valued in this process.
Luckily, this is not goodbye. I will see you soon!
It’s a great day to be a Cougar, because Cougars Care. Roll Storm!
Jonathon Miquelon
Principal of Clinton Elementary School
Future Principal of South Elgin High School
February 4, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM PTO Virtual Meeting
February 7, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Primary Family Dance
Helpful Links
In U-46, we believe that Every Minute Matters. Our schools are dedicated to providing an exceptional education for all students, laying a strong foundation for their future success. For this to happen, it's crucial that schools, families, and students work together to ensure consistent attendance. Learn more about the importance of attendance and what you can do to ensure your child is in school and learning by exploring the information and resources on our website.
As we move forward with the Unite U-46 process, it's crucial to keep the entire U-46 community informed and involved in the confirmation of the plan and projects. Stay up-to-date by checking out the Unite U-46: Mapping Our Future page for upcoming community engagement sessions and recordings of past updates.
Let’s Talk! is an open invitation from U-46 to submit feedback or a question directly to the U-46 staff member who can promptly respond. You'll also get a chance to offer feedback on our response.
Online Backpack shares informational material on community activities and resources available to students and families.