• nbctWhat is National Board Certification?

    National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in K-12 education.

    How Can I Apply?
    For educators who are interested in learning more about National Board Certification, informational webinars are scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, Tuesday, September 20, and Thursday, October 6. Click here to register
    The hourlong webinars are being hosted by the National Board Resource Center. Based at Illinois State University, the National Board Resource Center (NBRC) is a nonprofit organization that has been charged with overseeing the Illinois State Board of Education program that enables teachers and counselors to become National Board certified. The National Board process has been updated in recent years, so educators may want to view and listen to the updated 15-minute presentation and brief video from National Board Certified Teachers. Educators may also find this recent webinar helpful in learning more about the certification process.
    Fee Subsidy 
    In addition, the window for first-time candidates to apply for a fee subsidy opens on September 1 and will remain open until October 11.