• Liberty Pledge
    (The 4 C’s)
    As a Liberty Citizen, I will
    Care for myself,
    Care for others,
    Care for my school,
    Care for my community. 

    Liberty Elementary School follows a PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) model. PBIS emphasizes an instructional approach to behavior. The goal with PBIS is to continually provide students with positive affirmations while using behavior theory to positively motivate students in changing their behavior. Behavior expectations are directly taught, practiced and acknowledged. These
    behavior expectations are school-specific and are outlined for students on a “Behavior Matrix.”

    Student violations of the behavior matrix are documented and monitored. After each infraction, students are re-taught and a consequence may be assigned if deemed appropriate. If student behavior does not change, further behavior intervention may be appropriate at which time the school administrator, teacher, student and parent may be involved.

    A school-wide team meets monthly to review student behavior and plans monthly/quarterly schoolwide recognitions to positively recognize students who consistently meet the behavior standards. The team also uses data to guide them in determining areas of the school that may require students to be re-taught an expected behavior. 

    For further information about this scientifically based program: go to www.pbis.org or www.pbisillinois.org.