

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Lajos

Mrs. Lajos is in her 4th year here at Highland. She graduated first in the Philippines, with a degree of  Secondary Education major in Mathematics. Then she earned her second degree at Illinois State University with honors: Magna Cum Laude.  She came to the United States in 2012 and soon after she started to work as paraeducator in U-46 for two years at Mckinley Elementary School and Lords Park Elementary School respectively. In 2015 she was hired as a 5th Grade teacher at Highland Elementary.

Mrs. Lajos has taught internationally: Asia, Europe and America (Philippines,Thailand, China, Spain and USA). She speaks five languages: Visaya,Tagalog, English, Chinese and Spanish. She loves to travel and to learn about diverse cultures.

She is an autonomous, determined and enthusiastic professional that strives to impact positively the learning of all of her students. It is relevant to her to demonstrate what lifelong learning is for the entire community at school (students and teachers) and for the community at-large (families and community organizations).