• Community Resources at the DREAM Academy Include:


    Food: Click here for a list of local food pantries that remain open. 

    Boys and Girls Club - all facilities are closed. Visit their website or Facebook page for updates. 

    Centro de Informacion - Effective Monday, March 23, Centro de Información is limiting all routine face-to-face services with clients at all of our offices. Please call 847-695-9050 for services at the Elgin office and 630-550-5131 for services at the Hanover Park office. The East Dundee office will be closed during this time. We will provide services by phone as much as possible. When face-to-face services are needed, there will be a screening process. 

    Community Crisis Center -  Remains staffed 24/7 every day to provide emergency shelter for victims of domestic/sexual violence and their minor children; court advocacy for those seeking Orders of Protection; individual counseling via the phone for victims and their children; Partner Abuse Intervention (PAIP) and Anger management: Assessments, Individual and Group Counseling via telehealth online platform; and monitoring of the 24-hour Crisis Line at 847-697-2380 with information and referral.

    PADS of Elgin - in need of toilet paper and Lysol wipes.

    Side Street Studio Arts - online art tutorials available here

    YWCA of Elgin - the building remains closed due to the shelter in place order. 

    • SACC: When the shelter in place order is lifted we will begin normal SACC services.  For now, DHS will continue payments until the end of April.  The decision to continue payments will be decided by DHS as the month progresses. 
    • AEFL: Classes have resumed online per ICCB requirement for distance learning.



    Childcare Assistance Funding Information for Essential Workers.



    Elgin Community College - College planning events are canceled and the campus is closed.



    Bartlett Public Library - remains open to the public but programs are canceled 

    Carol Stream Public Library - currently closed to the public

    Gail Borden Public Library - all branches are closed

    Poplar Creek Public Library - all branches are closed