
  • Highland School Improvement Team (1-2 Parents): This team is the leadership team of the school. The teachers and parents on this team lead the school staff around continuous school improvement. This includes analyzing student achievement data, PBIS data, survey data, classroom visit data and other information to formulate goals for school improvement, professional development and parent/community involvement. This team meets at 2:15 p.m. one Tuesday per month.

    Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports Universal Team (1-2 Parents): This is the PBIS whole school team. At Highland, the PBIS Program is known as the High-5. This team plans how the program is implemented, looking at the data on student referrals to decide what whole school plans are required. This also includes planning celebrations and events to support a positive school climate. This team meets at 2:15 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.

    Parent-Teacher Organization or PTO (all parents): This groups sponsors events and fund-raising activities for the school. Officers are selected to identify activities desired and to lead the programs.

    Highland Parent Advisory Committee (8-10 parents): This is a group of parents who advise the principal and other school staff members regarding school structure, programs, parent and student needs and community involvement needs. This group also serves as a clearinghouse for parent and community engagement. Parents on this team also represent parents and students on other groups listed here.

    U-46 Citizen’s Advisory Council (5-7 parents): the Citizen’s Advisory Council is a districtwide group of parents and community members who study and explore topics of interest to the district community and suggest ways to improve the school district. This group meets at Elgin High School the second Thursday of each month.

    U-46 ELL Department Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee: This group gives input to the English Language Learners Department (ELL) regarding parent and student needs for those learning English as a second language.