
Elementary School

Home of the Mustangs

About Sunnydale Elementary School

  • Provide a student-centered atmosphere that creates critical thinkers and problem solvers across the curriculum.

    Establish and maintain high expectations for our students, staff, and community.

    Provide a safe and caring environment where all can learn together, respecting and valuing our diversity.

    Promote a positive and respectful environment.

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    Every Minute Matter Logo


    In U-46, we believe that Every Minute Matters. Our schools are dedicated to providing an exceptional education for all students, laying a strong foundation for their future success. For this to happen, it's crucial that schools, families, and students work together to ensure consistent attendance. Learn more about the importance of attendance and what you can do to ensure your child is in school and learning by exploring the information and resources on our website. 

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  • Unite U-46 Mapping Our Future LogoAs we move forward with the Unite U-46 process, it's crucial to keep the entire U-46 community informed and involved in the confirmation of the plan and projects. Stay up-to-date by checking out the Unite U-46: Mapping Our Future page for upcoming community engagement sessions and recordings of past updates.

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  • Let's Talk Graphic Let’s Talk! is an open invitation from U-46 to submit feedback or a question directly to the U-46 staff member who can promptly respond. You'll also get a chance to offer feedback on our response. 

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  • OnlineBackpackOnline Backpack shares informational material on community activities and resources available to students and families. 

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  • There are no upcoming events to display.

View Calendar
  • Kindergarten Registration/Registracion de Kindergarten 

    Kindergarten Preview will take place at Sunnydale Elementary on Thursday, Feb. 6th, from 5p.m. to 6 p.m. 

    Kinder PreviewVista Previa a Kinder



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  • Student Code of Conduct/Código de Conducta Estudiantil

    You can find a link to the Sunnydale Student Code of Conduct here

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