About Us

  • Sunnydale Elementary Sunnydale Elementary School
    716 Sunnydale Blvd.
    Streamwood, Illinois 

    Mission Statement 

     Sunnydale's mission is to extend a welcoming environment and provide knowledge in a respectful atmosphere that provides a meaningful education that is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for all students by maintaining high expectations, encouraging critical thinking and valuing our diversity in global inclusion. 


    Principal: Mrs. Andrea Gaitán-Bustos

    Assistant Principal: Mrs. Cody Papp

    School Secretary: Mrs. Cristina Martinez 
    Bilingual Home School Liaison: Mrs. Adrianna Miranda 
    Part Time Secretary: Mrs. Katie Bowers Evaristo 
    PTO President: Mrs. Cynthia Wroblewski
    Phone: (630) 213 - 5610
    Fax: (630) 213 - 5594
    Grades: PreK - 6th Grade 
    Enrollment: 346
    School Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    Mascot: Mustang
    School Colors: Navy and Orange