- Bartlett High School
- Attendance
Our Philosophy - The high schools in District U-46 are committed to the philosophy that every student should attend all of his or her classes every day. Regular attendance and promptness are expected in all classes and are essentials of good performance for any job. Learning to participate in group discussions, developing an appreciation for the views and abilities of other students and forming the habit of regular attendance to one's task are legitimate objectives of any course. Each student should be aware that participation is part of his/her evaluation in each class. A student should understand that excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, can drastically affect the class grade.
Absence is the greatest single cause of poor achievement in school. If a student is not regularly in attendance, his/her performance lags, he/she soon loses interest and then tends to fall further behind in his/her work. Successful students are seldom absent or tardy.
District U-46 schools must enforce the State of Illinois law regarding compulsory school attendance. The law is clear in identifying the parent as having an obligation to see that the student is in school. The school will make every effort to inform the parents of excessive student absences. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to see that their child is in regular attendance.
Parents are responsible for notifying the Attendance Office of their student's absence by 10:30 a.m. on the date of the absence. Please contact 630-372-4700 ext. 4710 for ALL day absence and late arrival. Call ext. 4749 for early release.630-372-4700
x4710 - All Day Absence / Late Arrival
x4749 - Early Release