• An Overview of the South Elgin High School Culture

    A positive school climate is critically related to school success. For example, it can improve attendance, achievement, retention, and even rates of graduation, according to research. The school climate has many aspects. Defining a framework for understanding the school climate can help educators identify key areas to focus on to create safe and supportive climates in their schools.


    Student Code of Conduct


    We ask that families take some time and review these expectations with their children who attend South Elgin High School. The Student Code of Conduct clarifies the rights and responsibilities of students, parents, teachers, and other staff. It also explains the disciplinary responses and how they help to create a stable learning environment conducive to all students and their learning styles.


    Bullying Reporting and Resources

    Anyone can report a bullying incident via the online U-46 reporting form

    About Bullying

    Bullying is defined under Board Policy 7.193