Future 8th Grade Course Selection Info.

Hello 7th grade families!

It has come that time of year again when our students select their courses for next year. This week, your student will be receiving their Course Selection Sheet as well as a Course Descriptions Document. We are asking that your student review their sheet with their teachers and with their families throughout this week to assist in preparing for their meetings with their counselor. Next week, students will meet individually with their counselor to review and input their course selections for next year. This will allow them some time to ask any questions they may have, and will hopefully assist in ensuring that our students are placed in their appropriate classes for their 8th grade year. 

Attached to this email you will find a few helpful documents and links that will guide you and your student in preparing for, and selecting, their courses for next year. See below for:

  • A PowerPoint pdf document and video explaining of the Rising 8th Grade Course Selection process and overview of our elective courses

  • A copy of the Course Selection Sheet

  • A copy of the Course Descriptions Document

Students are expected to turn in their course selection sheet to their counselor upon meeting with them. The final deadline to turn in course selection sheets will be Friday, December 16th. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your student’s counselor via the appropriate email below:

Sean Hardiman (A-G) - seanhardiman@u-46.org

Eve Perdikaris (H-PA) - eveperdikaris@u-46.org

Jessica Ventrella (PE-Z) - jessicaventrella@u-46.org

 messages/attachments/6150a737f14323f262a1b97d8357a5d2/Rising_8th_Grade_Course_Selection_Sheet.pdf (84.4 KB)
 messages/attachments/fd598a03e99b7ed20ee773d95a147f02/Rising_8th_Grade_Course_Selection_Presentation.pdf (1352.5 KB)
 messages/attachments/06ffcc62c8f5562f1d1f89ece1b05cc2/MS_Course_Descriptions_Document.pdf (139.2 KB)

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Kenyon Woods Middle School | 1515 Raymond St, South Elgin, IL 60177 | 847-289-6685