- Kenyon Woods Middle
- Environmental
Frequently Asked Questions - Mold Remediation in Schools
Q: How often does U-46 check for mold?
A: Schools are visually inspected for mold periodically and through routine inspections of plant operations staff.
Q: If a school or classroom is closed for mold remediation, how soon can it re-open?
A: The District’s procedure to re-open classrooms or schools includes visual inspection as well as confirmation through air quality laboratory testing. Plant Operations will work closely with administration and alert school and District leaders when staff and students can return to a classroom or building. School District U-46 will communicate that information in a timely manner.
Q: Do U-46 custodians know to check for mold and report to Plant Operation if they see any sign of mold during their regular maintenance work?
A: Yes, custodians walk the building daily and know how to check for mold and report back to supervisors.
Q: What does the District do when it finds mold?
A: If mold is observed, Plant Operations immediately starts a remediation plan following guidelines by the Environmental Protection Agency. The District uses a third party expert to inspect and test the remediation efforts. The test includes an air sample by the third party expert.
Q: How does the District know when a mold issue has been resolved?
A: The District uses a third party expert on the remediation and air quality testing.
Q: Must a classroom or school meet an “Action Level” that is above EPA or Health guidelines in order to start remediation?
A: We take action based on our visual inspection of mold. While the level of mold might be low, we still take time to remediate, test the air quality and continue our visual inspection.
Q: If staff or parents at other U-46 schools have concerns what should they do?
A: If anyone has a concern or are uncomfortable about any situation, we ask that they please notify their supervisor or principal so we can respond and investigate. Staff and parents are also welcome to share concerns with District officials through Let's Talk, our online customer service tool.
Additional links to resources about mold:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - What you need to know about mold
Illinois Department of Public Health - Mold and Your Health
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Mold remediation School and Commercial Buildings Guide