- Larkin High
- Physical Education
Teenagers are far too unique in what motivates them to offer a one-size-fits-all Physical Education class. In order to meet the interests of ALL students in U-46, we offer a variety of courses that support their cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs.
- Functional Fitness
- Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of fitness through experiences that will include, but are not limited to, the following: Group and Individual Fitness, Strength Training, Yoga, Pilates, and Functional Movement Activities.
- Strength & Performance
- Students have the opportunity to experience a course that is devoted to the development of strength and performance. Fundamental techniques will be applied and mastered leading into advanced techniques in resistance training. Functional fitness concepts will be applied to enhance the student's movement pattern and performance.
- Team Sports
- This course is a continuation of exposing students to officiating, coaching, and being a cooperative and productive member of a team. Students will participate daily in a variety of team sports with an emphasis on officiating and coaching the sports of tennis and basketball. The responsibilities and techniques in officiating and coaching of youth sports will be covered, along with analyzing and developing students' officiating and coaching style.
- Walking for Wellness
- This course will help students understand how walking can be used to achieve health and fitness goals.
- Independent PE
- Students have the opportunity to experience a course that is devoted to developing both their physical and cognitive health through a non-traditional physical education experience. Through this course, students will develop a fitness plan that details self-selected physical activities that best suits the students’ personality, community resources and interests while tracking target heart rate for weekly online reporting.
- Intro to Leadership/Advanced Leadership
- This course helps to nurture the qualities of an effective leader through the development of a student's knowledge and skills in cooperation, self-confidence, verbal and non-verbal communication, and conflict resolution.
- Lifeguard Certification & Leadership
- This is an honors PE course that will help students develop skills and experience that they can use in their role as a student leader and in the workplace. They will develop the knowledge and skills to pass the Ellis & Associates Lifeguard Certification test.
** Please see the Curriculum Guide for more information.
- Functional Fitness
Assistant Principal of Freshman Success, AVID & PE

Phone: 847-888-5200 ext.5241
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Corey Elton
Secretary to the Assistant Principal of Freshman Success

Phone: 847-888-5200 ext.5235
Degrees and Certifications: