• Honest Game

    yellow line

  • honest game logo Honest Game is a system to educate and empower families to navigate the pathway available to student-athletes who are interested in playing sports at the college level. It is a service provided by School District U-46. 

    Honest Game provides each student with their own college athletic compliance report, eligibility status updates, strategic planning using short-term achievable goals, and guidance towards the best post-secondary fit.

    All of our School District U-46 student-athletes and their parents/guardians have access to an Honest Game account. Click here to see Honest Game in action.

    Parents and students can also access information and resources on Honest Game’s blog.

  • To get started, login at Honest Game:

    • Students: Sign in with Google Single Sign-On, Clever, or with your School Email as the username → click “Forgot My Password” to set up your Honest Game password.

    • Parents: Sign in with the email you use for school communications  → click “Forgot My Password” to set up your Honest Game password.

    • Now you’re ready to track initial eligibility and learn more about recruiting and eligibility standards for college sports. 

    You will receive an email that looks like this:

    honest game email