• Clinic for Employees, Older Students 

    Click here for information on the COVID-19 vaccine clinic being offered Saturday, Dec. 11 for U-46 staff and for unvaccinated students 12 and older 

  • Vaccines Available for U-46 Students ages 5 to 11


    Federal health officials now recommend that children ages 5 to 11 be vaccinated against COVID-19. School District U-46 is providing families a convenient opportunity to have their elementary-aged children vaccinated while at school, regardless of insurance coverage. All 40 of our elementary schools hosted a vaccine clinic on one of three days in November where students could receive the first dose of the vaccine. Because the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine requires two doses, students will receive their second shot about three weeks after their first dose, also at school. 

    The second dose of the vaccine will be administered only to those students who received the first dose at their elementary school in November. Second dose clinics are scheduled at 13 of our elementary schools on Friday, Dec. 3, with the rest of our school buildings hosting vaccine clinics on Friday, Dec. 10 and Friday, Dec. 17.  

    For a child to receive the pediatric dose of the vaccine, a parent/guardian will need to:

    1. Register the child for the first dose of vaccination at the school the child attends. (This period has ended.)  

    2. Register the child for their second dose, also to be administered at their elementary school. (This is only for those who received the first dose at their school.)  

    3. Submit a signed consent form available in English and Spanish. The consent form will need to be returned to the school nurse at least 24 hours before the building’s vaccine clinic. 

    4. On the day of your building's vaccine clinic, fill out the screening form (available in English and Spanish) and send it with your child to school. 

    These clinics are offered as a convenience for our U-46 families, but other vaccine opportunities are available at www.vaccines.gov.

    If you have questions after reading the material and resources in this section, please reach out to your school nurse or use Let's Talk

  • Optional Parent Attendance


    Parents/guardians who wish to be with their child while they receive the COVID-19 vaccine can do so. They must notify their school’s nurse at least a day in advance. When parents/guardians arrive at the school, they will answer self-certification questions related to COVID and use the school’s guest-management system, called Raptor. They will then be escorted to the school’s library to join their child at the child’s designated vaccine time. The visit should take about 15 minutes.

  • Elementary Vaccine Schedule - Second Dose Clinics 


    The second round of vaccine clinics are only open to U-46 elementary students who received the first dose of the vaccine at their elementary schools in November. All vaccine clinics will be held from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the school on the following dates: 


  • Click here to register