• Overview

    Since 1998, School District U-46 has honored an individual or a group who has demonstrated dedication and commitment through consistent volunteer efforts on behalf of our students. This year, U-46 staff and volunteers wiere encouraged to nominate an individual or a group who provided an outstanding volunteer service in our schools or District.

    A recipient was selected for each of the two categories: Helping Hands and Volunteer of the Year. All nominees were invited to the annual Volunteer Reception at the U-46 Educational Services Center where the award recipients were be announced.


    Helping Hand Category

    The Helping Hands award recognizes a volunteer or group of volunteers who have made a significant impact at the school level.


    • Need for services or activities delivered
    • Specific outcomes on student achievement (direct or indirect)
    • Impact on school improvement (e.g. climate, behavior, attendance, etc.)
    • Innovative characteristics of the services or activities
    • Quality of services or activities
    • Services or activities align to the School’s Improvement Plan
    • Number of students benefiting (directly or indirectly


    Vounteer of the Year Category 

    The Volunteer of the Year award recognizes a volunteer or group of volunteers that improves the lives of students at three (3) or more schools across the District.


    • Need for services or activities delivered
    • Specific outcomes on student achievement in three or more schools (direct or indirect)
    • Impact on school improvement (e.g. climate, behavior, attendance, etc.)
    • Innovative characteristics of the services or activities
    • Quality of services or activities
    • Services or activities align to the District’s Strategic Plan
    • Number of students benefiting (directly or indirectly)


    Volunteer nominations for the 2019-20 year will open in January 2020.