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- Glenbrook Elementary
- Positive Behavior Intervention & Support
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive systems approach for creating and maintaining safe and effective learning environments in schools, and ensuring that all students have the social/emotional skills needed to ensure their success at school and beyond.
As in the “behavioral side” of the Response to Intervention model, PBIS applies a three-tiered system of support, and a problem-solving process to enhance the capacity of schools to effectively educate all students.
AT GLENBROOK WE SHOW HAWK PRIDE…We are Respectful, Responsible, and Real Safe!!!
As a Glenbrook Student
I pledge to be respectful, responsible, and real safe.
I will do my best at all times,
Wherever I go
To show Hawk Pride!We look forward to our tenth year of implementing our proactive behavior support system. It is well known that schools are successful when they help children grow academically, socially, and emotionally. For this to happen, it is imperative that we have a safe environment that is supportive and conducive to growth. By setting forth clear social and behavioral expectations and directly teaching students about those expectations, it is our goal to create this atmosphere for learning.
Based on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, our plan is in place, with staff trained and looking forward to training students. We also welcome parent involvement and look forward to giving parents information throughout the year.
Glenbrook’s PBIS System has 5 components:
- Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Real Safe – A Matrix of Behavioral Expectations
- Cool Tools – Lesson plans used to teach students the Behavioral Expectations
- “Gotchas” – An Acknowledgment/Reinforcement System
- Office Discipline Referral Forms – ODR’s
- Celebrations
RTI/PBIS Multi-Tiered Instruction and Support
Tier 1/Universal focuses on the importance of school-wide behavioral expectations and positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior. Students learn 3 to 5 school-wide behavioral expectations. Students are acknowledged individually or as a group for meeting behavioral expectations.
(See school-wide expectations below)
Tier 2/Secondary provides select groups of students with additional support appropriate to the student’s level of need and then monitors the progress of students receiving those interventions. Typically, these are specific, research-based group interventions. Students may participate in brief plans to improve behaviors. Parents are notified and encouraged to support the interventions.
Tier 3/Tertiary provides intensive supports to individual students who continue to struggle after receiving Tier 1 and Tier 2 support. At this level, families and the community provide a great deal of support that a student may need.