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How does PBIS work?
- PBIS is prevention-based: Through instruction, comprehension, and regular practice, all stakeholders use a consistent set of behavior expectations.
- PBIS is data-based: School teams within the building review data on individual and groups of students to determine which students are not responding to the teaching of the behavioral expectations. PBIS schools view it as an opportunity for re-teaching.
- PBIS is community based: PBIS offers supports for families, youth and schools.
- PBIS is research based: The PBIS model is a research based strategy that is supported by the Illinois State Board of Education promoting effective practices to benefit all children. It was started as a joint initiative by the University of Oregon and the federal Department of Education to prevent the isolation of high school students. Currently, PBIS is implemented across the United States and in many foreign countries.
Does PBIS make a difference?
- The 3-tiered approach reduces problem behavior as a barrier to student achievement. There are many PBIS success stories involving individual students as well as entire schools.
How Does PBIS help disruptive students?
- PBIS school teams gather and review documented discipline data. If problem behavior occurs, students in PBIS schools are provided with a full continuum of supports to address the behavior. PBIS schools view it as an opportunity for re-teaching school-wide expectations. As a student’s needs increase, the intensity of the support increases.
How can parents support PBIS?
- Parents are an important part of PBIS implementation. Schools encourage parents to use the same expectations that the school has identified. Parents can familiarize themselves with the school-wide behavior expectations. This common language creates consistency for expected student behavior. Parents are asked to discuss the school’s expectations and post them at home for easy reference. Schools encourage parents to participate in PBIS school activities and support school teams. Parents may help with fundraising efforts, participate in leadership activities, and assist with outreach to the community.