- Bartlett High School
- School Profile
Mission Statement
The Bartlett High School Community strives to create a culture that motivates each individual to reach their fullest potential. As a learning community, we believe our mission is to promote academic and personal success for all. We honor and foster the uniqueness of our members including respect for ourselves, each other, and the learning environment. We succeed in developing the mind, body, and character. Through these principles, our members become responsible, contributing members in the global society.
About Us
- Campus: 22-acre campus including athletic fields and pond.
- Facilities: BHS has approximately 400,000+ square feet and consists of approximately 135 interior classrooms
- Size: Approximately 165 certified staff members and 2220 students. The average graduating class is 560 seniors.
- School colors: navy blue, hunter green and white.
- Mascot: HAWK
- Extra Curricular Activities: More than 70 different activities are offered to students including athletics, fine arts, and various clubs/organizations.
- Community: Bartlett High School is one of five high schools in School District U-46, the second largest unit district in Illinois. Located approximately 35 miles west of Chicago, Bartlett High School serves a diverse community from a wide range of socioeconomic, educational, and ethnic backgrounds.
- School: Bartlett High School is a public four-year comprehensive high school with a certified staff of 165. Bartlett's first class graduated in June 2000. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 academic year is 2220* with an anticipated graduation class of 528 seniors. Bartlett High School is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Illinois Department of Education. Bartlett High School is also the home of the Science, Engineering, and Technology Academy within School District U46.
*Enrollment as of 8/13/24
- Curriculum: Over 200 courses are offered so that students may challenge themselves to meet their potential as well as to explore areas of interest. Classes are 50 minutes in length, five days per week. Students receive one credit per semester for each course successfully completed except for some Advanced Placement classes which meet for 1.5 periods per day and receive 1.5 credits. 40 semester credits are required for the graduating class of 2025, including the following:
8 credits in English
6 credits in Mathematics
4 credits in Sciences (2 Physical Science; 2 Biology)
1 credit in Health
7 credits in Physical Education
2 credits in U.S. History
1 credit in Economics
1 credit in CivicsThe following Advanced Placement classes are available:
Biology Computer Science Principles Government and Politics Psychology World History Calculus AB English Language and Composition Human Geography Spanish Language Calculus BC English Literature and Composition Macroeconomics Spanish Literature Chemistry Environmental Science Physics 1 Statistics Computer Science A European History Physics C U.S. History
In May 2024, 886 students took a total of 1359 AP exams. 62% of the grades reported resulted in a score of 3 or higher.
- Testing Results:
ACT: This test is no longer sponsored by Bartlett High School, nor School District U-46, as Bartlett High School is now an SAT school. - 2024 SAT average: Overall Mean Score = 968 (535 students)
- Awards and Recognitions: 81 students from the 2024 graduating class were recognized as Illinois State Scholars by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
- Post Secondary Plans: The Class of 2024, in which 566 students graduated, 100% planned to enter college in the fall with the following breakdown of information:
51% 4 year colleges
46% 2 year colleges
.5% Trade/technical school
2% Military - .5% Direct Workforce
The above statistics were based on submitted “Final Transcript Request” forms.
- Counselors:
A - Cam Tom Vanbooven thomasvanbooven@u-46.org Can - Fr Diana Miranda dianamiranda@u-46.org
Fu - Ka Stephanie Fulhart stephaniefullhart@u-46.orgg Ke- Me Laura Laursen lauralaursen@@u-46.org Mi - Pen Cheryl Hilvert cherylhilvert@u-46.org Peo - Sil Melissa Ortiz melissaortiz@u-46.org Sim - Z Erin Bean erinbean@u-46.org Aaron Wichman Guidance Director x4630 Christine Donnelly Registrar x4633
- Campus: 22-acre campus including athletic fields and pond.