Student Health Requirements

  • Per School Board Policy 7.100, all students will be compliant with state law-required health examinations and immunizations on the first day of school. Students who are non-compliant in their physical and immunization requirements will not be allowed to attend school until state compliance is met. Required grades include 9th and 12th grades. 

    Dental exams for 9th grade are due by May 15th, 2024. 

    Health requirements and forms can be located on the district webpage:

    If you have completed physical and immunization forms, they can be submitted as a PDF scanned document via email at Parents also have the option to upload their required health documents as a PDF through Infinite Campus during the registration process.

    Any updates from the Illinois State Board of Education will be communicated to all parents.


    9th graders must have:

    • A current 9th-grade physical (dated any time after 8/16/2022 to present)
    • Documentation of required immunizations

    12th graders must have:

    • All 12th-grade students will be required to show proof of the meningococcal vaccine.  2 doses are required—one after 10 yrs of age and the second at least 2 months later.  If no dose was given prior to age 16, one dose after  16 is required.  
    • Students will not be able to complete the registration process for the 2023-2024 school year, and high school students will not be able to print their schedules until we have received proof of the meningococcal vaccine.
    • Please click HERE to print the letter to be completed by your doctor to obtain proof of a meningococcal vaccine. (Click HERE for a Spanish letter.) We are asking that this be completed by August 1, 2023.

    The top portion (HEALTH HISTORY) of the Illinois State Health Form must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian. Click the link below to download and print this form.

    All Illinois State Health Requirements must be on file with the nurse's office to obtain a student schedule and begin school.


    • Click HERE for the Illinois State Health Form(English)
    • Click HERE for the Illinois State Health Form(Spanish)
    • Click HERE for the 2020-2021 Health Requirements (English)
    • Click HERE for the 2020-2021 Health Requirements (Spanish)
    • Click HERE for the Medication Administration Form (English)
    • Click HERE for the Medication Administration Form (Spanish)