About Us

  • Abbott School

    C0-Principal: Chris Zugel

    Co-Principal: Jennifer Reyes

    Assistant Principal: Charles Smith

    Mission Statement
    Abbott will create lifelong learners through relationships, relevance and rigor---one student at a time!

    Vision Statement

    Creating a community of autonomous learners where students can meet high expectations by working collaboratively on complex tasks that allow for the application to real-world situations.

    About Us

    Abbott Middle School is located on Elgin's southwest side in an older residential neighborhood.  The main section of this red brick building was built in 1931, and the first principal was S.C. Miller in 1932. It was built using WPA funds as a "junior high school" to relieve crowding at Elgin High and some elementary schools by absorbing students in grades 6 through 9 (later changed to 7 through 9). This "junior high school" was a controversial idea in its day, and no other junior high was built in District U-46 for another 19 years.

    In 1982, the district switched to a "middle school" system, with just seventh and eighth graders in the middle schools, and the ninth graders from Abbott and other junior highs were moved back into the high schools.  2021-2022 marked the end of 90 years of educational history at Abbott Middle School!

    Abbott has been expanded twice to keep it current and efficient while carefully preserving the architectural integrity of the original structure. The older part of the building is so well constructed that it was a designated fallout shelter during the 1960's. The 2 additions added 2 gymnasiums, a modern cafeteria, and additional classroom space including a Science classroom with laboratory facilities, and an Art room.  Academics, Physical Health, and the Arts have always been important to the curriculum, and many extra curricular activities carry that emphasis outside of the regular school day. Our most recent addition  is a state of the art fitness center which was awarded through a special grant.

    In November of 1978 Abbott began the tradition of  the "Turkey Trot." This event is an obstacle course race for a chance to win turkeys and pies. Abbott will celebrate its 46th year of this annual event. 

    Currently, Abbott Middle School is home to 7th and 8th graders with a population of approximately 550 students. We are one of eight middle schools in SD U-46.  Abbott offers a wide range of after school activities including  Robotics Club, Dance Team, Drama Club, Yearbook, and intramural/competitive sports. In addition to the traditional educational path, special programs offered include: Dual Language, Gifted, Dual Language Gifted, and Special Education/ILP (Individualized Learning Program).  Additionally, during the 2019-2020 school year, we added a restorative practices room for student use;  the goal of this room is to provide a safe and supportive place for students to visit as needed and an alternative to punitive consequences where students and staff work on socio-emotional skills.

     At the heart of our school is the belief in establishing positive relationships with our students and creating a safe and supportive trauma-informed care environment in which all of our students can grow and thrive personally and academically.

    Phone: (847) 888-5160
    Fax: (847) 608-2740

    Attendance: (847) 888-5165 


    Grades: 7 & 8
    School Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 3:23 p.m.
    Mascot: Warrior
    School Colors: Blue and Gold