• Streamwood High School Social Work

    To call your social worker, dial 630-213-5500 and his or her extension.

    The role of a school social worker is to serve students' social-emotional learning. To make an appointment with your school social worker, please send an email, or students in person can see the main office to fill out a blue slip form.


    Staff and Email Address E-Mail Position / Role Student Name Extension
    Ms. Martinez MaribelMartinez@u-46.org  Social Worker A-Gom  x 4941
    Mrs. Schmidt SarahSchmidt@u-46.org Social Worker Gon - Or  x 4942
    Mr. Krentiras  NicholasKrentiras@u-46.org Social Worker Os - Z  x 6302
    Ms. Majer cassandramajer@u-46.org Social Worker All students  x 6597