
     From Our hearts to Yours

    Welcome to the  SHS school health office!                                                                                 

    This web page was created to support SHS students, parents, and staff enhance our health and well- being.  This is a work in progress, so please check back from time to time to see what additions are available.  Also please let us know if there is information you are interested in seeing on the page in the future.  There will be health information, health apps, articles, interviews, research, and community resources posted from time to time. We hope you enjoy the web page and find it helpful. We also encourage questions about health conditions and practices for discussion.



    Mrs. Mary Girardi  MSN, RN, PEL-CSN has been an IL professional educator licensed school nurse since 2000. She completed her 300- hour school nurse internship here in u-46. She has experience working with students and families around the district from preschool through high school. She earned a Bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of Illinois, and a Master of Science degree in nursing education from Walden University. She was awarded the Illinois Association of School Nurses School Nurse of the Year designation during the 2015-16 school year.  Mrs. Girardi provides assessment and support for students with special health and learning needs, is part of the building specialized student services team and the 504 team to create health plans and accommodations for students in need. She also works with students and families to create temporary modifications when there has been an illness or injury. She provides health promotion and education for students, staff, and the SHS school community. She enjoys the outdoors and gardening. 

    Mrs. Elizabeth (Liz) Moore BS, RN has a Bachelor of Science degree and currently works  as our building nurse to help with daily care of students, provides direct student health counseling and education,  carries out health initiatives, helps our team create positive health messages, and posts health information throughout our office.  Mrs. Moore has a an interesting work history, having worked as a jail nurse and in a nearby school district in a position similar to her current work at SHS. She came to us highly recommended!  Mrs. Moore has three children that also keep her very busy. She enjoys arts & crafts, and this talent is clearly displayed on the various health office bulletin boards.

    Mrs. Pamela S. Thomas, our SHS Health Secretary has a bachelor's degree in business, specializing in accounting.   With over 30 years of expereince, Mrs. Thomas has worked as a teacher and in logistics. She came to us from Westminster Christian School where she was the adminstrative assistant. Mrs. Thomas has 2 children-- a daughter attending school in the district, and a son in the US Army. She manages all student health records and compliance with state of Illinois requirements for physicals and immunizations of all students at SHS.  She makes sure the health office runs smoothly duriing the day; we don't know how she juggles this so well. 

         You can reach us at:  630-213-5500  x4943 


    The contents of this page includes:


    • Required forms for physicals & immunizations
    • Medication Administrations Permission & order form
    • Diabetes care plan- order forms for parent/guardians and primary care doctors
    • Asthma Assessment and Asthma Action Plan forms
    • Allergy Assessment and medical order forms
    • Food allergy Forms
    • Seizure assessment and emergency plan forms*  


    *  Teen sleep considerations

    *  Vaping trends and teen health effects; how to talk to your teen about vaping

    *  Screen time and effects on teen health; help for parents and ideas for establishing home expectations

    * Skin and sun safety

    * Websites and other resources for parents and teens  (work in progress)

    *  Local commuity health agencies (work in progress)

    * Links to District u-46 Health Services web page



    * Reminder – Physical and Vaccine Requirements for 2020-21:  9th grade students need their 9th grade physicals and vaacine records submitted to the school health office before they can attend any in person learning.  12th grade students require a meningitis vaccine before they are cleared to attend in person learning.  Please contact our office if you have any questions, or need community resources to get the needed health care.


    * How to Take an Oral Temperature Using a Digital Thermometer



    * If your student or a household family member has illness symptoms of headache, fever of 100.0 or greater, cough (even mild), chills, body aches, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, congestion, trouble breathing, chest pressure, fatigue, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, these may be symptoms of Covid 19.  Please notify your doctor and also let the school nurses' office know.