MTSS at Streamwood High School

  • MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered System of Supports and refers to the way we help all students at Streamwood High School.

    Using the MTSS Framework, students are provided increasing levels of targeted support to aid them in their success. The MTSS framework supports the 'whole child' in that we identify academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs.

    We know that for the majority of students, the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional work we do in the traditional classroom and building meets students' needs most of the time. That work is considered universal, meets about 80-90% of our students, and is identified as Tier 1. 

    Throughout a student's high school career though, sometimes there is a need for a little bit more.  At SHS, we have Tier 2 interventions to help meet those needs. We anticipate that 5-15% of students will be receiving some of these targeted interventions at any one time during the school year.

    For some students, more intensive or longer-lasting intervention is needed to make a difference.  Approximately 1-5% of our students will receive this Tier 3 support throughout the school year.

    We aim to meet the needs of all of our students through this MTSS framework and all of the staff at Streamwood High School are involved in this process. 

2020-2021 PBIS Implementation Recognition



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