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- Ridge Circle Elementary
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
(Click the below links)
District U-46 MTSS Implementation Guide
MTSS Calendar Year-At-A-Glance
The combination of MTSS and PBIS provides effective instructional strategies for both academic and behavior systems.
MTSS Critical Features
- A comprehensive tiered model of support to address the full range of students’ academic and behavioral needs
- Academic and behavioral performance data through progress monitoring utilized to inform and guide instructional decisions
- Use of a team problem-solving model for planning and decision-making
Tier 1: Universal Core Instruction
- Provided for all students
- Instructional practices are evidence-based
- Instruction is differentiated to meet all student needs
Tier 2: Targeted Small Group Interventions
- Small group interventions are provided in addition to core instruction
- Interventions are evidence-based programs and/or practices
- Frequent progress monitoring to ensure student is responding and the intervention is effective
Tier 3: Intensive, Individual Interventions
- Intervention support is provided with higher frequency and/or intensity one on one or with a very small group
- Higher level intervention provided in addition to core instruction
- Intervention tailored specifically to meet the needs of each student
Resource: pbis.org and u-46.org
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports - PBIS
Ridge Circle School belongs to the Illinois Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.) Network. P.B.I.S. is part of the Social Emotional Learning curriculum at Ridge Circle. The curriculum focuses on reinforcing positive behavior and coping skills while working, playing, and living in an intellectual community.
La escuela Ridge Circle pertenece al Programa de Illinois Intervencion y Apoyos para un Comportamiento Positivo conicido por sus siglas en Ingles como (P.B.I.S). P.B.I.S. es parte del curriculo de Aprendizaje Social y Emocional de la Ridge Circle. El curriculo se enfoca on reforzar el comportamiento y destrezas positivas mientras estan trabajando, jugando, y viviendo en una comunidad intelectual.
Para más información, visita el sitio del distrito.