Activities & Clubs
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- Larkin High
- Asian - American Appreciation Club

Sponsor: Miho Nakagawa
Time and Place: Twice a Month on Thursday; 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Asian - American Appreciation Club
The Asian American Appreciation Club is open to all students interested in learning about Asian American culture. The club meets twice a Month on Thursdays and participates in various activities to promote knowledge and awareness of all things pertinent to the Asian American community.
Please contact Miho Nakagawa, if you are interested in being a part of the Asian American Appreciation Club .
To register, click on this link and then the registration tab. You will use the same login email and password if you have registered for a sport, club, or camp. If this is your first time registering on Snap mobile, you must use an email address and create a password for your new account. You will only need to do this once, and then you will need to remember your login information. Please get in touch with the Activities office with any questions: 847-888-5200 ext 5240 or email Mrs. Morado.