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- Radio Club

Radio Club
Sponsor: Mr. George
Time and Place: 7:15 AM, Daily, the Choir Room (E126)
Have you ever wanted a chance to have your voice heard? Have you heard DJs and broadcasters in the radio and thought, "Man that sounds like fun!"? Are you interested in audio editing, show/script-writing, and recording skills? Radio Club is definitely for you! Every week we will put together a radio program that will actually be aired every Monday morning on a local radio station! It is a fun, unique opportunity for your family and friends to actually hear your work and your voice live@ I am looking for a group of dedicated students that want to get creative and put out a 60 minute radio program every week. Please contact Mr. George for more information.
To register click on the link, then click on the registration tab. If you have registered for a sport or camp, you will use the same log-in email and password. If this is your first time registering on 8to18, you will need to use an email address and create a password for your new account. You will only need to do this once and them you will need to remember your log-in information. Please contact the Activities office with any questions 630-213-5500 ext 5509 or email Mrs. Beattie or Mr. Ziols