Scholarship Information

  • Need money for college?
    Scholarships can help!

    For a list of scholarships: Click HERE

    The link above is a list of scholarships that are available this year. The Guidance Office receives scholarship opportunities throughout the school year. The list changes daily so be sure to check occasionally for new postings.

    Scholarships will be listed:

    • On the SEHS website ( click on the "Scholarship" tab
    • On the school monitors as part of the daily bulletin
    • On the bulletin board in the Guidance Office
    • In the scholarship drawer in the Guidance Office
    • Also, check with your parents' human resource or union office

    See Mrs. Panagiotopoulos in the Guidance Office for scholarship applications.

    • Additional scholarship opportunities may be found on the following websites:
    • Fast Web -
    • College Zone -
    • FAFSA - www.fafsa.ed.gove/
    • Wired Scholar -

    ***When applying for scholarships you will need 2-3 letters of recommendation from school personnel and/or an outside community member (minister, boss, etc.)

    We suggest at least one of each. The letters should be addressed: To Whom It May Concern:, without naming a specific organization, so that you can copy and use them for several different scholarship applications.

    Many scholarships require essays. You may choose to write a generic essay that you can copy and use for several different scholarship applications. Example: “What I would like to be doing five years from now.” Some applications will specify the subject matter.

    Most scholarship applications require a copy of your current transcript and ACT scores. The guidance office has “Transcript Request” forms for you to complete and need to be signed by the student and parent. Please request as many copies as you feel you will need.

    Remember, obtaining and sending in scholarship applications is your responsibility! If you would like your counselor to send your transcript please make sure that you provide them with stamps.