• Need Help? Text: 847-973-6146

    You can text this number at any time for assistance with academic concerns, help with improving attendance, contacting teachers, anything.  You will receive a return communication within 24 hours.  

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  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

    What is MTSS?

    • A tiered model of support to address the full range of students’ academic and behavioral needs
    • Data from academics, behaviors, and attendance are used to inform and guide instructional decisions
    • Team based problem-solving model for planning and decision-making

    Tier 1: Universal Core Instruction and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

                 Earn and Give Respect            Hold Yourself Responsible            Safety First

    • Provided for all students
    • Instructional practices are evidence-based 
    • Instruction is differentiated to meet all student needs

    Tier 2: Targeted Small Group Interventions

    • Small group interventions are provided in addition to core instruction 
    • Interventions are evidence-based programs and/or practices
    • Frequent progress monitoring to ensure student is responding and the intervention is effective 

    Tier 3: Intensive, Individual Interventions

    • Intervention support is provided with higher frequency and/or intensity one on one or with a very small group
    • Higher level intervention provided in addition to core instruction 
    • Intervention tailored specifically to meet the needs of each student

