langston hughes

Junior English American Studies

  • Students may choose American Studies as an option that fulfills the Junior English and U.S. History requirements. This is a writing intensive course that will satisfy graduation requirements. This course combinesthe disciplines of English and American history and shares the philosophies and methodologies of both. One grade is given for each content area. The students will identify the major ideas and attitudes of the American experience as they are reflected in the history, literature, and culture of the United 2018•2019 Course Selections 63 States. Group work is a significant component of this course. Common Core skills in the areas of reading, reading comprehension, writing, listening, thinking, grammar (usage, mechanics), and appreciation of literature through the theme The Dream. Students will be required to complete several narratives, informational, and argumentative pieces of writing. Students will also be assigned shorter pieces of authentic text and novels to read, discuss, and analyze throughout the school year. Attention will be given to motifs in American literature, evaluating author’s choices, and using rhetorical devices. 


    Prerequisites: Sophomore English


    Activities: Interdisciplinary projects on thematic topics, which will include presentations,research papers, and creative, writing. Reading assignmentsin literature and history will be included in daily activities.