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Elgin High Celebrates 150 years
EHS Celebrates 150 years
As most of you already know, Elgin High is celebrating its 150th year since our beginning in 1869. Over 40,000 graduates have preceded you here today. One of these Maroons is named Norma. She was born in ’02 and will graduate as part of the class of 1-9! She has 3 older sisters and one younger brother much like many of you here. Her father even went to Elgin High and he was the class of ’92. She is a three sport athlete including being on the girls volleyball and basketball teams. She is her class secretary, involved in school plays, musicals and academic clubs. She sounds much like many of the students we have here today. The one big difference is that she was born in 1902 and graduated in 1919! 100 years ago! Her dad was the class of 1892! Her nickname while here was simply “Stew.” Norma was my grandfather’s sister and will be the unofficial face of our 150th celebration and will guide you through the history of this school throughout the year. Much like Aunt Norma, you will become part of a long tradition that can help you rise up and follow in the many good steps put down before you. Even if you are not interested in the long history and tradition of this fine institution, you are a special part of it nonetheless. So let’s all appreciate the traditions and loyalty set before us and do our best this year to make everyone who came before us proud to say “Once a Maroon, always a Maroon!”
Scott Stewart "Stew"
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