Student Parking

  •  Student Parking

    Parents and Students: Download, print, and complete for submission.  Both parent and student must sign the application after having read the expectations.

    Hanging tags will be issued to students who have:

    • Completed a Student Parking Application and have both parent and student signatures.
    • Show their valid driver's license.
    • Show the insurance card specific to the vehicle they will be registering with.  Insurance periods must still be in expired cards will be accepted.
    • Paid the $100 fee to Elgin High (2nd semester only the price is reduced to $50).


    *Student parking is strictly prohibited in the faculty and visitor spaces and will be subject to tickets and/or being towed. Student parking is located on the south side of the building ONLY.


    Click on the link below for Parking Applications. Contact the Treasurers Office with any questions.

    Spanish Student Parking Application

    English Student Parking Application 

    Maria Esposito (847)888-5103 or