- Streamwood High School
- Student Life
- Yearbook
The SHS 2015 Yearbook is on Sale NOW!
- Sales are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Our contract with the publisher is finalized and there will be no extra yearbooks ordered this year.
- Once supplies run out, we will NOT be able to order additional yearbooks.
Order your Yearbook online at: http://www.YearbookOrderCenter.com
Cost: $55
Questions? Please contact Mrs. Yarger
Yearbook Advisor:
630.213.5500Mailing Address:
SHS Yearbook 2015
701 W. Schaumburg Road
Streamwood, IL 60107Facebook: www.facebook.com/streamwoodhighyearbook2015
Instagram: shsyearbook2015, instagram.com/shsyearbook2015
Twitter: twitter.com/shsyearbook2015
Portrait Pictures