• What is Schoolinks?

    SchooLinks is a college and careers readiness platform used by U-46 to help students become career, college, and life ready. The program allows students to learn about their interests, research careers, navigate the college and career planning process, explore college profiles and learn about financial literacy. The platform provides valuable information and insight for students and families in the following areas:

    • College selection and the application process

    • Career/internship opportunities and connections with employers

    • Course planning

    How can Schoolinks help support students in college and career planning?

    SchooLinks is a robust college and career planning platform.  Students should start their college and career planning by completing “Assessments” found on the “Activities” tab.  The following assessments are a great place to start:

    • Would You Rather: Matching careers to your favorite hobbies.

    • Top Skills: Match careers to your skills and interests.

    • Learning Style: Take this assessment to see how you learn best to set yourself up for future success.

    • Student Focus: Analyze different colleges and programs you are interested in.

    • Discover Your Campus Lifestyle: Take this assessment to determine what type of campus is best for you.

    Within SchooLinks, students can view their past results and retake assessments as many times as they would like. As students progress through school, their interests and goals often change; SchooLinks allows students to organize those ideas in the “My Goals” section within the “Activities” tab. Students in grades 6-12 can also connect with their counselors at any time to discuss their college and career planning, use of SchooLinks, assessment results and educational goals for the future. Whether it is starting college, learning a skilled trade, joining the military, or pursuing another post secondary option, we have assigned grade-specific activities in Schoolinks to help you and your student explore post secondary options and make informed decisions. 

    How do I access Schoolinks?

    Students : U-46 students can access Schoolinks through their Clever account associated with their U-46 email.

    Parents/Guardians: U-46 parents and guardians information coming soon!