Senior Year Checklist

  • September

    • Review graduation requirements, GPA and class rank.
    • Finalize the list of colleges/trade schools to which you want to apply.
    • Check the daily bulletin, calendar of events on our school's Guidance website and Guidance display case for college and trade school representatives who will be visiting.
    • Sign up to take the ACT or SAT if you have not done so or if you have not achieved the score you wish.
    • File an early graduation form with your counselor if you plan to graduate early.
    • Start preparing for the application process by completing your senior information sheet and requesting catalogs and applications.
    • Prepare materials for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (the FAFSA) by getting your state and federal tax information in order.
    • FAFSA is often required for scholarships so complete it even if you doubt you’ll qualify for federal funds.
    • Students must be a citizen of the US with a valid social security number to submit the FAFSA, but there are some scholarship applications that do not require completion of the FAFSA- see your counselor.  


    • Attend college night at Elgin Community College if you have not selected a college/trade school.
    • Request recommendations and give teachers and counselors the forms.
    • File early-action and early-decision applications.
    • If not applying early, file applications for schools with early deadlines.
    • Fill out a request for transcript form in the Guidance office.
    • Complete the FAFSA and other required forms.  Send it as soon after October 1 as possible.
    • We will host a FAFSA night at Streamwood High School, or you can visit us in the career center for help completing the form.  Your parents may also attend. 
    • If you haven't already visitied colleges/trade schools, take advantage of upcoming holidays to do so.


    • Begin to research scholarships. Check the daily bulletin and scholarship websites.
    • Write and polish any required essays


    • Take the SAT if its required by your college.
    • If you are planning on attending Elgin Community College come to the Guidance Office to learn how to access their catalog online.
    • Turn in all applications to your Guidance counselor and make sure transcripts are sent.


    • Be sure that all forms, recommendations and test scores are on file at the institutions to which you'd like to be considered for admission. Continue to watch for local scholarships.


    • Send mid-year grade reports to college/trade school that have requested them.
    • Keep your grades up. College acceptance is only conditional and based on continued good performance.
    • Make sure that you have submitted the financial aid form that your college requires.


    • Expect to hear from colleges/trade schools that have requested them.
    • If you plan to attend Elgin Community College, attend the field trip.
    • Take the placement tests required by Elgin Community College.


    • Review college/trade school acceptance and compare financial aid offers.
    • Decide which school to attend, send in your deposit and notify other colleges/trade schools of your decision.
    • If you have not done so, attend the career fair at Elgin Community College.


    • Take advantage of the orientation and registration program at Elgin Community College if you plan to attend
    • Fill out the appropriate form with the Guidance or Main Office secretary to have your final transcript sent to the college/trade school you plan to attend next fall.