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Culinary Arts
Introduction to Culinary Arts Grades 9-12
Students will:
- be exposed to the principles and practice of food science, nutrition, and wellness
- focus on safety and sanitation, advanced techniques in culinary arts, nutritional menu planning, management skills and the exploration of the hospitality and culinary industry.
- prepare for the Year 1 National Restaurant Association Certification exam.
Culinary Arts Level 2 Grades 10-12
Advanced Culinary Arts Grades 11-12
Students will:
- Concentrate on safety and sanitation while developing quantitative cooking methods.
- implement business strategies necessary to run a catering company.
- be prepared to take the Year 1 National Restaurant Association Certification exam.
- begin preparation for the Year 2 National Restaurant Association Certification exam.
Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management Grades 11-12
Students will:
- emphasize restaurant and hospitality management skills.
- be prepared to take the Year 2 National Restaurant Association Certification exam.
Childhood Education
Child Development Grades 9-12
Students will:
- focus on child growth and care from conception through childhood.
- acquire techniques and skills necessary to promote physical health, social, emotional and intellectual development.
Childhood Education Grades 10-12
Students will:
- study developmental characteristics, learning styles, and health and safety considerations.
- develop teaching skills in an on-site preschool.
- prepare for careers working with children(i.e. teachers, social workers, counselors, pediatricians, nurses, psychologists, etc.).
Advanced Childhood Education Grades 11-12
Prerequisite: Childhood EducationStudents will:
- observe, supervise, and teach children in an on-site preschool.
Note: This course may be repeated for a second time for a credit enabling a student to develop skills in organization, implementation, and maintenance of early childhood/daycare programs. Prerequisite: Students must earn an A or B in Advanced Childhood Education.

Teaching Faculty
Ms. Nicole Begrowicz
nicolebegrowicz@u-46.orgMs. Elizabeth Schimmel
elizabethschimmel@u-46.orgMs. Ammee Schubert
ammeeschurbert@u-46.orgMr. Neil Stanoev
miodragstanoev@u-46.orgMs. Nicole Smith
nicolesmith@u-46.orgAssistant Principal of Innovation
Dr. Jeremy Burnham