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Social Studies
Dave Borg Civis/Economics Ext. 4856
Sara Burghgraef American Studies/Economics Ext. 8205
Chris Capps US History/AP World History/World History Ext. 8211
Juan Bustillos AP Macro DL/Economics Ext.8210
Geoffrey Guiney Sociology/Econo/AP Human Geology Ext. 8214
John Means Intro to Psych/AP Psychology Ext. 5116
Heather Misner US History/World History/Civics Ext. 8203
Adam Plach AP Macro Economics/U.S. History Ext. 4824
Jose Rodriguez Civics
Nicole Vieille World History/Geography Ext.8091
World History
(9th grade -12 grade)
Students explore the story of man from the earliest historical records up to the present century.
(2 semesters)
Advanced Placement World History
(9th grade -12th grade)
Students must be in Honors English.
This course enables students to develop the habits of the mind and skills necessary for an AP World History exam which requires the analysis of historical evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. Students write DBQ’s, Change Over Time and Compare and Contrast Essays for each major time period. Students explore the story of man from the earliest historical records up to the present century. (2 semesters)
Advanced Placement European History
1450 to the present (10th,11th or 12th grade)
Students must be in Honors English.
The goals of the Advanced Placement Program in European History are to provide a basic narrative of events and movements of European History since 1450. Additional goals are to develop (a) an understanding of some of the principal themes in modern European history, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence and (c) an ability to analyze
and to express historical understanding in writing. (2 semesters)
World Geography
Students work with maps, charts, text, and video to better understand the earth and how humans interact with it.
(All levels) (2 semesters)
Introduction to Law
Students examine civil and criminal law, perform mock trials, and visit a local county court house while in session. (1 semester)(All levels)
Law II
Prerequisite: Intro to Law (1 semester)
(11th and 12th grade)
Psychology is the social science concerned with the study of behavior and behavioral change.
(1 semester)
Advanced Placement Psychology
(2 semesters)
(10th, 11th, and 12th grade)
Sociology is the social science that concerns itself with the nature, conditions, and consequences of group interaction. (1 Semester)
International Relations
(9th-12th) (1 semester)
International Relations is a semester course for students interested in an overview of America’s role as a world power and investigating major issues confronting the world today.
American Studies
(11th grade)
Students may choose American Studies as an option that fulfills the Junior English and U.S. History requirementsThis course combines the disciplines of English and Social Studies and shares the philosophies and methodologies of both. The course attempts to identify the major ideas and attitudes of the American experience as they are reflected in the history, literature, and culture of the United States.
Advanced Placement Art History-(Humanities course)
Required Courses for Graduation
U.S. History
1 year
(Pass the U.S. and Illinois Constitution Tests) 1 semester
(Includes consumer education as required by law) 1 semester
District Resources at: U-46 Social Studies Department