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World Languages
The World Languages Department at Elgin High School offers a full program of coursework in the most popular foreign languages. French, IB French, German, Spanish, Heritage Spanish language, IB Spanish, and Japanese classes are offered at Elgin High School. All courses are two semesters per year. Honors distinction is offered at the third and fourth-year levels of each language (except Heritage Spanish at this time).State Seal of Biliteracy Overview
Assistant Principal of Humanities
Dr. Jeremy Burnham
Teachers Roberto Cardenas
AP Spanish Language & IB Spanish Dr.Artemio Penalbert
Dual Language Juan Fernandez
AP Spanish Literature, Spanish Heritage 1 & 3 TBD
Spanish 2, AP Spanish Literature, IB Ab Initio Spanish
Melody Dominguez
AP Spanish Language, Spanish Heritage 2
Dea Zguro Saro
AP Spanish Language, Spanish 3-4 Juan Figueroa
Dual Credit Int. Spanish 2, Dual Credit Spanish Conversation
Wendy Witt
French 1, French 2, French 3-4, IB French
Dr. Miriam Abe
Japanese 1, Japanese 2
John Lewis
German 1,2,3,4
Elizabeth Oswald
Spanish 1
First Year Courses:
These classes lay the foundation of language acquisition for novice level learners. Focus is on listening, repetition of new sounds, vocabulary, basic grammatical structures, and introduction to the cultures of the countries in which the targets languages are spoken.
Students will speak (alone and in groups), perform dialogues, read short selections (in both English and in the target language), and create original projects to demonstrate their knowledge. A textbook and workbook allow practice in class and at home. Some texts offer a CD-ROM version of the text and workbook as well. Audio materials allow students to hear native speakers and to imitate their speech. DVD’s provide audio and visual images to teach and motivate students.
Second Year Courses:
In keeping with the three state goals of foreign language, the second year curriculum focuses on more advanced grammatical structures and additional vocabulary, and introduces students to more countries where the target language is spoken. Students will continue to develop the skills from first year, with additional focus on writing skills. This component will become more of a focus as students’ knowledge of advanced grammatical structures are improved.
Third Year Courses:
Students at this level are asked to spend more time putting their acquired language skills to use through reading and writing, as they learn to perfect their understand of the grammar and vocabulary of their target language. Writing in the target language at this stage resembles the writing of an early elementary level student in his native language. Students should not expect their writing skills in the target language to equal their writing skills in their native language! They will continue to work on this skill as they matriculate through the language program.
Fourth Year Courses:
At this level, teachers ask their students to begin thinking and interacting the target language. Their reading and writing skills should become more proficient, which allows them greater comfort in the language classroom.