- School District U-46
- Family Welcome Center Home Page
Family Welcome Center (FWC)

Our services are designed to meet the linguistic and academic needs of all children. U-46 opened the door of the Family Welcome Center in October 2005 to address the educational needs of our new arrivals — both the students and their families. The change in the demographics of classrooms in United States schools reflects the diversification of the population and mirrors the multicultural society in which we live. In School District U-46, our students come to the classroom with backgrounds representing more than 100 cultures, making our schools rich with ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity reflecting the global society to which our students will contribute their skills. We welcome all families to our learning community.
The Family Welcome Center is proud of having caring and highly qualified staff who make the well-being of our new students and their families a priority. The Family Welcome Center is the first stop for all new families in the district when a language other than, or in addition to, English is spoken at home. We are an information center for School District U-46, connecting students, schools, families, and the community.
We offer personalized attention to families to help them make the most appropriate decisions for their child’s education. Our experienced personnel assess the student’s English language proficiency to determine whether the student is eligible for English Language Learner services. Based on the State's prescribed screener instrument scores, the Family Welcome Center will make a placement recommendation that will best meet the instructional needs of the student.
We provide information to families about the registration process and about resources available in School District U-46 and the surrounding community. Although we are here to serve all new families in the district, the primary function of the Family Welcome Center is to ensure that new students with a non-English background are placed in the appropriate instructional program. Students are screened at their home school or at the Family Welcome Center. This process helps determine the best placement for our students.
We are aware of the pressure and intimidation that new places often bring, and we strive to nurture a smooth transition into an unknown environment for all our new families. Our goal is to make every family that comes to the Family Welcome Center feel respected, valued, and most of all, welcomed!
Contact Us
The Family Welcome Center is located at the U-46 Welcome Center at 1019 E. Chicago St. in Elgin.Laura Godinez ext. 6078
Multilingual and Multicultural Education Program Placement Specialist
lauragodinez@u-46.orgReyna De La Mora ext. 6038
Multilingual and Multicultural Education Family Welcome Center Facilitator
reynadelamora@u-46.orgBeata Mirkiewicz Gordiano ext. 6038
Multilingual and Multicultural Education Family Welcome Center Facilitator
beatamirkiewiczgordiano@u-46.orgPatricia Ortiz ext. 6364Data Entry Specialist