- School District U-46
- 403b & 457b Plans
403b and 457b Plans
The retirement plans for U-46 are sponsored by Corebridge Financial.
Enrollment in our 403b or 457b plans can be done online using the employee enrollment packet to set up your online account, or you can contact the Corebridge representative at your site/school building list to discuss options modeled for your needs.
Transfer Funds into Plan
Do you have funds from another employer and would like to consolidate them all into one account? Please contact your Corebridge representative to assist you with this process.
Employees are allowed to take loans from their retirement accounts. To obtain a loan, you will initiate the loan process with your Vendor, then you will need to obtain a loan certificate from Retirement Manager. This certificate will enable you to complete a loan process. You can call 1-866-294-7950 with any questions regarding this process.
If you have left employment with U-46 and you wish to transfer your funds, please contact your Corebridge advisor or your previous Plan Advisor/Vendor for the necessary paperwork. Once you have the paperwork completed, please submit to your U-46 contact via fax or email. Upon receipt, we will complete our section and forward it back to you for submission to your Plan Advisor/Vendor.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about the plan, please contact one of our specialists listed below.
Lori Nommensen Retirement & Pension Specialist x5544 LoriNommensen@u-46.org
Shannon Cremin Pension Reporting Specialist x7640 ShannonCremin@u-46.org
Diane Belton Coordinator - Payroll x4298 DianeBelton@u-46.org
Fax (847) 608-2777